darling habour ...looking for the cafe..but ....get lost again...
just think this pic look like movie capture....
i was working at this taiwan restuarant ..my first job in Aus
out side of restuarant
here is chinatown Market City...duno how many time i been..
i think almost everyday...- -
first time pinic.....but it's clowdy....too bad..but fine..hv nice view
i made this...so nice ,huh????
karaoke with fds.....this is hk girl
this is the pretty girl..many boys love her
this is Helen...i love her so much...very gd girl...
she look like Lam Ka Yin
we re going to Zoo.....

so scared it will hit me lor LOL
finally i buy a monkey doll.....so cute><
i did hv fun today...haha..so happy....
b4 go Broome.....crazily spend money..OMG...
first eyes see it...i love it....finally buy it la><
so expensive ><thousand hk dollar...
but fine la...
this is the present i give myself..haha
cheep me up~~~~
from now...i will being new me...new start...
promised someone i won't look back...and be safe be strong.
and be happy everyday...see..i am doing....
add oil together...and let see my new and gd change will coming..